About Claire Nance

Welcome to my website! 

Claire Nance is actually my pen name. I've wanted one since I was 12! I’m an indie author, and I write in order to share my love of God and love of story. I’m a wife, mother, and grandmother and enjoy Bible study, photography, reading, and spending time with my family and friends. I live in Texas with my husband of over four decades and our Chihuahua, Esther. My life verse is John 8:12 because Jesus brought me out of a season of darkness, despair, and hopelessness several years ago. I cried out to Him for help, and He drew near to me. He proved to me that God is real, Jesus is alive, and the Bible is true. We are deeply loved, and Jesus came to save us from our sins.

 Feel free to look around and check out the tabs above. And to be the first to hear about new projects, free books, or new book releases, follow this blog. You can also follow me using the social media links posted in the right-hand column. 

I’m so glad you stopped by and hope you will again. I try to post at least once a month, but when I’m tackling a work-in-progress, well…. Following my blog will ensure you don’t miss a post. 

 May the God of peace Himself grant you peace at all times and in every way. (2 Thess. 3:16)
