Showing posts with label purple martins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label purple martins. Show all posts

Monday, March 27, 2023

Purple Martin Time

 My favorite picture of our purple martins. It looked like one was waving to me just as I took the picture, and it thrilled me to death. This was taken years ago the Spring after a fall that brought a hurricane near us. You can see how beat up the edges of the house are. The martins didn't seem to mind. We haven't had any martins come to our houses in a few years, and we miss them. This is the month they usually arrive, but we have too many hawks and kites, and our bird population has dwindled. 

My oldest son said he had some martins on his martin house awhile back. Martins always come back to the houses they were born in, so he will most likely have martins this year. They send out their scouts early before settling in. God's creation is just amazing.

Here in southeast Texas we have maybe one more month of beautiful weather before the heat and humidity come to stay. We're enjoying our time outdoors while we can. Hopefully, next month I'll be able to post some pictures of the tanagers, cedar waxwings, and grosbeaks that come to feed off the mulberry bush in our backyard.

May the Lord bless you and keep you,
